Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Success Tips For Your Pet Business

In order to be more successful with your pet business, get your mind and body geared up for success. Start by making positive attitude adjustments for success and better health, inside and out with these helpful tips...

* Concentrate on business first, and then dig in and learn more about how to run a business. Using help from library or other resources, develop basic business and marketing plans. And from now on, stop wondering how to run your business operations and KNOW. When you follow no plan or even a poor one, you do reach your goal: nothing. So plan for success and strive to get there instead!

* Learn more about the pet industry, what people buy online and off. Do a little research each month to see what the more popular selling pet products and services are and what campaigns are out in the mainstream. Bookmark pet sites and sign up for their ezines to see whats new, what the news and announcement are and what you might be able to learn to help your own business grow. Keep up with the industry!

* Slacking off and being lazy dont work in the business world long term. So stop trying to short change your visitors, leads, prospects, clients. Use some elbow grease and do what you need to do to each day to attract traffic, generate leads, follow up and close make your sales. Make a point to regularly plan sales and marketing campaigns online and off for getting human and search engine traffic, leads, prospects and sales. Have your website, content, autoresponders and everything else updated regularly and in place. Avoiding laziness helps make anyone more successful!

* Dont hide out from the real world and stay at your computer all day. Get out and network at industry event, and network, reaching out online and off to connect with others. Learn from other pet business reps who have been where you are and already reached some level of success. Network with others who work at home for tips about what works best and what doesnt when juggling work with family. Save your contacts information in a database like one in any email program (Microsoft Outlook) and add to your goals to follow up on a regular basis with people. Set goals: talk to at least four people every day via phone, email or some other means.

* Get and stay in shape. Success starts on the inside!

So get yourself and your business in sync with success. Successful work habits are directly proportional to successful results!

Renske Buursma, pet store owner with lots of helpful articles and a free newsletter about pet care at

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